Auntie Carni’s Woes
This week I have decided to cancel my weekly review of a
Sydney main street. It’s too risky to catch the train and I’m heeding the
advice of the health experts to avoid going out unless necessary.
I’ve also decided to suspend my voluntary work which I’d
only just started and was really enjoying.
I did go to a parenting course “Engaging Adolescents” but
wondered the whole time whether it was the sensible thing to do. I probably won’t
go next week.
For many months I have been experiencing the negative
effects of being socially isolated and unemployed and it was affecting my
mental health- so much so that I enlisted the help of Beyond Blue’s New Access
Program (which by the way has had to move from face to face appointments to telephone
appointments, which is still useful but that’s another excuse for an outing I’ve
had to scrap). 😩
My feeling of social isolation began when I moved house 3
years ago and lost that local contact with friends which is so important- the
weekly cup of coffee after school drop off, the spontaneous get togethers with
the flick of a text message invite. It worsened when I left my job 10 months
ago and found myself without purpose, routine or direction as well as having
too much time on my own. To make matters worse, along came the bush fires and
the hazardous air pollution which caused me to experience terrifying breathing
difficulties. I could not
leave the house on those very bad days of poor air quality of which there were
a good many, or if I did, I wore a mask and was rather worried. The worse thing
was being unable to even sit out on the balcony, my previous “happy place”.
Finally, the rains came, the corn flower blue skies re-
emerged and I could take deep delicious breaths of fresh air. I expanded my
daily routine by starting my weekly blog reviews,volunteering and taking up
courses. My weeks had a semblance of routine, structure and balance. 🎕
Auntie Carni’s Tips
So this hideous pandemic and the necessary discipline of
staying at home, has unfortunately left me feeling frustrated, disappointed and
dejected as my world has once again shrunk. On the up side, I have had
some experience in spending inordinate amounts of time at home, and have some ideas about what is needed to stay sane.
Although my situation is a little different from those who
are working from home, as I am unemployed, parts of this list may still be helpful to others.
Stick to a Routine: Get up at the same time, (ok
cut yourself some slack but get up at a reasonable hour.) Have breakfast at the
same time, walk the dog and get showered and dressed (don’t stay in PJs all
day, you’ll feel like an icky sloth). Make your bed. Still have 3 meals a day and two healthy
snacks in between. Allow plenty of time
to prepare a home cooked meal- it’ll be 6pm before you know it. Go to bed at the same time or close to what
you usually would. Remember this virus attacks weak immune systems, so stay
strong by getting adequate sleep.
2. Keep a balance of passive and active tasks. Eg. Undertake
computer activities for a certain amount of time, then switch to undertaking
house work.
Spend time outdoors – even if you take the lap
top outside on the balcony, courtyard, garden better still, do a physical
outdoor activity eg. Gardening, raking leaves
I’m a keen bird watcher and will happily sit outside and partake in surveys for
BirdLife Australia.
4. Keep connected with others by telephone, skype
etc. It could be a work colleague or friend or group of friends. Get creative with how to do this. There are loads of ideas at the moment. I need to work on this one but being cooped up at home is a strong motivator. We are social creatures and need others.
Stretch and exercise or go for a walk
Undertake one “project” each day that you’ve been
putting off eg. Clean the fridge.
Put a limit on how much time you aimlessly lose
yourself down the rabbit hole of social media, news etc. don’t be tempted to turn Netflix on until the
afternoon or evening.
8. Get creative - if you wanted to learn a language, get crafty, do art, play an instrument, write or try out new recipes, now's the time to do it.
9. Family Fun If it’ s a non-work day, play a board game or
watch a movie with the family and work towards this “treat” by accomplishing
other necessary tasks earlier in the day. My brother had a family disco the other night!
Strike a balance between spending time doing singular activities, and time together.
10. Read It's a great indoor activity that you can also take outside to the garden/balcony
Plan what you will do the next day/days and revisit this plan first thing every morning.
Look at the funny
side 😁
One of the best ways for me to release the pressure valve in the face of uncertainty and angst is to find
some humour every day. I love The
Shovel ( satirical blog commentary on current affairs).
I also enjoy Netflix comedies like Brooklyn Nine Nine.
3 take away key words: Routine, Balance, Creativity